This list is confidential, and available only to FHSLA members. This reflects a choice made in setting up the List not to publicize its existence on any Internet lists of lists. Subscribers will be added when they submit their membership dues. If you have any questions, send an email to the Discussion List Coordinator as listed on the committees page:

Scope of the List:

* Announcements and news about FHSLA from officers and committees

* Announcements of new material on the FHSLA Homepage

* Discussion of possible FHSLA activities/projects

* News about Health Science Libraries and Librarians - including personnel changes, promotions, publications, projects, downsizing, changes in the parent institution affecting the library etc.

* News from Consortia of Health Science Libraries in Florida

* Job Postings for Florida Health Science Library positions - Professional and Non-professional

* Information about Continuing Education opportunities of interest to subscribers - Health science librarianship, general librarianship, health care policy/administration, medicine, business, etc.

* Exchange for benchmarking, surveys

* Discussion of library-related topics of interest and best practices

* Florida-related reference questions - Other questions have a better chance of being answered in larger forums such as Medlib-L or Stumpers-L.

* Last resort ILL - after Docline and OCLC - Primarily for Florida-related materials hard to get from other sources.

Guidelines (some items borrowed from Medlib-L)

  1. Always use a descriptive subject line. Help people to know how important your messages are to them.
  2. Always include at least your full name, institutional name, city, and e-mail address in the BODY of any message you send (don't rely on the header). Street addresses and phone numbers (voice and fax) are also helpful.
  3. Choose the correct address for a reply. The "reply" button on most e-mail programs sends your message to the whole list. Often it will be appropriate to reply directly to the originator of a posting; enter your personal e-mail address in a NEW message.
  4. In general, participate as responsible, intelligent professionals. This list of guidelines can stay short as long as everyone uses good judgement.

The Florida Health Science Library Association accepts no responsibility for the opinions and information posted by users.